什麼是鍍膜?【What is “coating”】







1. 成膜之均勻度。

2. 成膜後之穩定性。

3. 機能性被鍍物之機能壽命.而鍍膜於被鍍物上,簡單地可區分為物理作用力或化學作用力兩種。







【What is “coating” and why coating is necessary】

Coating means to provide the special functional characteristics on substrate by using different process. For example, anti-oxidation, acid and alkali-resistance, anti-stain, water repellency, easy to clean, high hardness, weather-proof, special exterior and so on. There are many methods for coating as PVD, CVD, spray, wipe, blade coating…etc.

The coating process can increase relative thickness of the substrate that ranges from tens of nanometer to hundreds of micrometers. Therefore, the selected functional materials and the interface interaction between material and substrate are important. These will influence the coated layer uniformity & stability and lifetime of the function in/after coating process.

        The interactions between the coated layer and substrate can be differentiated the physical & chemical aspects. This includes details of the interface science, so it will not be discussed here. For instance, using wax (or the resin that contained high fatty oil) on automobile metal plate belongs to physical interaction between the metal plate & wax. So, the coated performances that include the effects of water repellency & glossiness & lifetime are shorter. In brief, the most appropriate functional material can provide the most lifetime on coated substrate.

        G2f designs many functional coating materials for different application aspects. If you follow our suggestions and coating methods, the coated substrates will have more lifetime that's up to 5-10 years or even more than 10 years. (it depends on the thickness of coating layer & environmental conditions)